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   Let me start off by introducing myself, my name is Ashley. I am a young female photographer who grew up in the middle of nowhere. I have received an associates degree in fine art with a focus on photography. I am currently enrolled in school working towards a degree in veterinary technology. As you can already tell, photography is not my only strong interest. For as long as I can remember, I have always had a deep love for both art and animals. But I always kept the two separate. When I first began photographing I was all over the place exploring the different options. It wasn't until I graduated from college that I found a focus. I had finally realized that I could incorporate both of these passions into one activity. Photographing animals in shelters.

   Since early 2016 I have been highly involved in animal rescue. Aside from fostering and volunteering my time to get down and dirty, my photography has been a source of awareness for these animals. Once I got even more serious, I joined HeARTs Speak, a non profit organization that unites art and advocacy of animal shelter residents. Professional photos have proven to increase adoption rates. My goal is to capture an animals in a way that not only displays their appearance, but provokes some kind of connection with viewers. The phrase "the eyes are a window to the soul", really resonates with me and is present in the majority of my work.


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